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Data Usage
Updated over a month ago

In the Data Usage menu, it is possible to access information about the amount of data consumption through the mobile network and Wi-Fi connection, being able to segment a date period and have the average consumption in that period, by Groups, Applications, and Devices.


To filter the results, go to Filter in the upper right corner of the screen. Then, select the group(s) you want to filter.

To apply the filter, the user must click on the ‘Filter’ button.

Next to Filter, in the upper right corner of the screen, find the calendar icon. When you click on the icon, the calendar will open for you to select the period you want to analyze.

To apply the filter click on ‘Filter dates’.


Demonstration of average consumption in the period.

The bar chart presents 5 important points.

  1. Average data usage from 0MB to the highest average of the filtered date period and group(s);

  2. Filtered date period;

  3. Average Data Usage Total of devices belonging to the filtered group(s) and date period. In detail, the Daily Average (Total Average Usage / number of days in the filtered date period);

  4. Average Data Usage Total used by WI-FI of devices belonging to the filtered group(s) and date period. In detail, the Daily Average (Total Average Usage / number of days in the filtered date period);

  5. Average Data Usage Total used by Mobile Network of devices belonging to the filtered group(s) and date period. In detail, the Daily Average (Total Average Usage / number of days in the filtered date period).

Attention: When hovering/stopping the mouse over the chart, on a specific day, the following are displayed: the date, the total average usage, the average consumed by WI-FI, and the average consumed by Mobile Network of the day.

Regarding the calculation of Total Average Consumption:

In the Total Average Usage, the system considers the active devices (regardless of whether they have consumed data) of the group(s) and the filtered date period.


In the Groups tab, it is possible to verify through the chart the total average data usage of each group. In the presented chart, the part of the line in green represents the data consumed by WI-FI, and the part of the line in blue represents the data consumed by Mobile Network.

In the Applications tab, it is possible to verify through the chart the total average data usage of each application.

Attention: The Applications tab is only available in the Pro plan.

In the Devices tab, it is possible to verify through the chart the total data usage of the devices according to the filtered group(s) and date period. In the presented chart, the part of the line in green represents the data consumed by Wi-Fi, and the part of the line in blue represents the data consumed by Mobile Network.

In Groups and Devices, when hovering/stopping the mouse over the chart, the following are displayed: the total data usage, the amount of data consumed by WI-FI, and the amount of data consumed by Mobile Network for the filtered date period.

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