Wi-Fi Manager
Updated over a week ago

The Wi-Fi Manager feature is designed to allow devices to access the Wi-Fi menu without having to release the configuration package in the Launcher or access the notification bar.

If you have not yet enabled this option in your environment, please contact the support and request the activation.

Remember that only devices that meet these prerequisites will be able to use it:

  • Pulsus Agent 3.9.50+;

  • Android 10+;

  • Device Owner (DO)/Fully Managed.

Once the Wi-Fi Manager is enabled in your environment, you can enable it in the Launcher.

Go to the Launcher menu and select what you want to enable Wi-Fi Manager for.

Within the Launcher configurations you can enable it as shown in the image.

Remember that this option will be applied to all Groups that are linked to this Launcher.

The devices will have the option enabled as well.

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