Updated over a week ago

The purpose of the Files Menu is to distribute files and documents in an organized way, in folders and sub folders, linked to the groups and their respective devices, allowing the control of what devices will receive these files and documents.

Remember: the devices must contain some file managing application (e.g.: Astro File Manager, ES File Explorer, etc.). This package should be released on the launcher in order to access the created file.

When accessing Files the user will have access to the main screen. Listed in it are all the file folders added to the base, containing the following information columns:

Folders: The title of the folder that was created is informed. Below, in detail, are informed how many groups/devices have been linked to this folder in order to download the files.

Destination: The destination is informed, in the device memory, where the folder with the files that were added is located.

Total Size: The total size (bytes, megabytes, gigabytes) that contains the folder with the files that were added is reported.

Files: The total number of files added to the folder is reported.

Understand the information shown when opening a folder:

On top of the page, inside a file folder, you will see the following information:

Groups: Number of groups that should receive the files/folders.

Devices: Number of devices that should receive the files/folders.

Files: Total number of files it contains in the folder structure.

Total Size: Total number of files (bytes) that it contains in the folder structure.

Destination: Destination where the folder with the files that have been added is located.

Below, on the files tab, are listed the files and subfolders containing the following information about them:

Name: File/folder name.

Size: Size of the file/folder in bytes.

Added on: Date and time the file/folder was added to the system.

Last updated: Date and time the file/folder was last updated.

To create a subfolder, click the "New Folder" button and enter a name at the bottom of the page.

Next to the files tab is the groups tab.

The Groups tab lists the groups that should contain the files/folders, and displays the following information:

Group: The group name is reported.

PIN: The group PIN is reported.

Tag: The group Tag is reported.

IMPORTANT: The file nomenclature interferes directly in the download of the same to the devices. Ideally, the names should not contain special characters.

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