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The app restriction feature allows restricting the use of unmanaged iOS apps.
Navigate to the Apple menu > Configurations and choose the configuration you want to change.
Next, under Restrictions, navigate to Apps and you will see a list of policies that you can manage.
Allow iTunes | iOS - iPAD OS;
Allow News | iOS - iPAD OS;
Allow Podcasts;
Allow Game Center | iOS - iPAD OS;
Allow Multiplayer gaming
Allow to add Game Center friends;
Allow Safari | iOS - iPAD OS;
Allow forms autofill;
Force fraud warnings;
Allow Javascript;
Allow pop-up;
In all the options mentioned above, the configuration will either allow or block (hide) the described functionality/application.
It's possible to define whether you will always/never accept cookies or do so on sites that you visit.
Always: You will accept cookies whenever prompted.
From websites that I visit: You will accept cookies only from visited sites.
Never: You will never accept cookie requests.
It's also possible to create a list of managed applications under "Restrict Application Usage," with the following settings:
Allow all apps: Allows all apps.
Do not allow only some apps: Does not allow apps added to the box (blocklist).
Allow only some apps: Allows only apps added to the box (whitelist).
After selecting the permission type, click the "Add App" button, and then the following screen will open for app selection:
After adding the apps you want to restrict, they will be displayed like this:
Then click the "Save" button in the top right corner.
To remove apps from the restriction list, simply click on the red X button next to the app.
Attention: For this configuration to be applied, the device must have Supervised mode activated.